Biking made easy

Biking made easy

Ensure a safe and comfortable ride for all bike+ users.

The absence of a robust and connected network of high-quality bike corridors through and around Downtown has hindered growth in the cycling community. The Downtown Mobility Plan will define priority bike corridors, improve links to regional connection points, and introduce new amenities such as end-of-trip facilities, including bike parking. It recommends a fully protected bike+ loop around Downtown that aligns with scheduled transit improvements to enhance safety, improve riding comfort, and provide adjacent neighborhoods with enhanced access to the benefits and opportunities of Downtown.

Future concept of bike lane in Downtown


  • Enhance barriers to create a fully protected and separated bike network throughout Downtown
  • Add bike signal priority and safety measures at key intersections
  • Enhance trail connectivity
  • Deploy cycling specific wayfinding
  • Introduce additional micro-mobility options (i.e. e-bikes share, e-scooters, etc)
  • Deploy bike corrals, bike+ shared parking, and bike shelters



  • Create a North/South connection between Penn Ave and Third Ave
  • Enhance protection on existing bike lanes
  • Deploy end of trip facilities (i.e., bike racks, corrals, etc.)
  • Pilot mobility hubs and e-scooters


  • Implement bike+ signal priority
  • Improve bike+ wayfinding for key cycling routes and at end-of-trip facilities
  • Implement safety and traffic calming measures on non-bike priority streets


  • Create easily accessible connections to both riverfront trails
  • Create a fully protected and separated Downtown loop

We need your input to help move Downtown forward!

Locals getting on a city bus with branded graphics around it.